California Drug Testing Laws: Exclusive Guide for Employers and Individuals!

California Drug Testing Laws: Exclusive Guide for Employers and Individuals!


California law allows the employer to conduct urine, hair, nail, saliva drug tests for pre-employment, circumstantial, random, and post-accident drug testing. 

In the context of marijuana use, an employer has the right to terminate or suspend an employee if they are found to be abusing the substance during working hours.

An employer has the right to conduct a drug test as per the company policy. The most common drug tests used by employers in California is the 5 panel Urine Drug Test.

Learn more about the California drug test laws, what happens when you fail a drug test in CA, and how to pass the drug test. 

Table of contents:

California Drug Testing Laws

If you are an employer or employee in California, it is more than essential to understand  the drug testing laws.

While California has allowed the employers to drug test during specific circumstances alone, it does not restrict the employer to conduct the drug test as per the company policy.

If you fail to abide by the California employer drug testing laws, there may be legal action. 

For employees, failing a drug test may result in suspension or termination, whatsoever the employer decide. Here are the specific circumstances when an employer can drug test their employees. 

Pre-employment drug testing 

In California, employers can ask for a drug test before you officially start a new job – it's part of the hiring process. However, things get a bit more interesting when it comes to the green stuff – marijuana, that is. 

Starting January 1, 2024, California has made it clear that it's not cool for employers to discriminate against folks based on their chill off-duty and off-site cannabis use.

But hold on, employers can still do the whole pre-employment drug testing dance. The catch? They need to use tests that are like cannabis detectives, honing in only on the mind-altering compounds in the plant. 

This tweak in the law is all about making sure drug tests are accurate and fair, zeroing in on the stuff that matters without messing with anyone's right to enjoy some legal off-duty cannabis chill time.

Random drug testing in California

In California, employees enjoy a constitutional right to privacy, shielding them from random drug tests in most cases. This right is, however, subject to exceptions, primarily to address public safety concerns.

So, while privacy is the norm, certain situations may warrant exceptions in the interest of maintaining public safety.

For certain safety-sensitive positions and within the realm of transportation employment, California allows the implementation of random drug tests. This exception is particularly applicable in the case of DOT drug testing, where employers can conduct random screenings to ensure a secure and reliable work environment. 

In these specific instances, the need for maintaining safety standards takes precedence, permitting employers to carry out random DOT drug tests as a crucial measure to uphold public safety within the transportation sector.

Reasonable suspicion drug testing

Courts typically endorse reasonable suspicion-based alcohol or drug testing when pointing towards inferences of potential substance abuse. 

Notably, courts have consistently upheld the practice of testing employees following a serious accident, recognizing the importance of investigating potential substance-related factors in such critical situations.

In cases where employers have reasonable suspicion of drug or alcohol abuse by an employee, the legal system has generally supported the implementation of testing protocols.

This means that if there are specific and observable signs or behaviors that reasonably suggest substance abuse, employers have the legal authority to initiate testing.

Post-Accident Drug Testing

There's no mandatory post-accident drug testing protocol for motor vehicle incidents in California. However, if law enforcement has a hunch that a driver involved might be under the influence, they can request a blood or breathalyzer test.

Now, when it comes to workplaces, employers hold the reins on drug testing policies. But here's the twist: the employer needs to genuinely think the employee played a role in causing the accident. However, this call to action shouldn't trample on the employees' right to keep things private.

Companies or Agencies That Drug Test in California

What jobs drug test in California? This is the most common question among the employees and job seekers. And here is the answer! Here we have listed all the companies or agencies that drug test in California.

  • Safe way- All Safeway marts do compulsory drug testing. Oral Drug Tests are administered during your interview with the District recruiter before employment.
  • Walmart- It is one of the greatest retail giants that have extended its branches in many parts of the United States. Walmart conducts random drug tests for new hires and runs a background check as per their policy guidelines.
  • Albertsons- The Albertsons do random drug tests during the pre-hire period. They also perform drug tests on the occurrence of an accident. They use mouth swabs to perform an oral examination.
  • Lowe’s- This is a well-established American retail company with specialization in home improvement.  Lowe’s prioritize mouth swab tests for the pre-employment candidates. They have a strict drug testing policy to conduct random drug tests and post-accident drug tests for their employees.
  • Walgreens- They perform random drug tests if there is a suspicion of someone snatching controlled medicines. You may undergo your drug test at the beginning or before employment. Once after hiring, they will never drug test you.

Top 10 Jobs in California That Do Not Require A Drug Test

Nearly 56% of American employers still require job candidates to take pre-employment drug tests for THC and MMJ. Not all places require alcohol or drug tests for getting into jobs. Here are the top 10 jobs in California that do not require a drug test

  1. Retail stores
  2. Real estate agent
  3. Beauty sector(includes nail technicians, makeup artists, hairstylists, etc.)
  4. Technology sector
  5. Design studios
  6. Management
  7. Restaurants
  8. Photographers
  9. Engineering
  10. Freelance

What Do Drug Tests Test for in California? 

California laws do not have specific drug testing protocols that urge employers to drug test their employees.

Drugs that are tested are,

  • Amphetamines(such as speed)
  • Meth, crank, and ecstasy.
  • THC, such as hash, cannabinoids
  • Cannabis, Codeine
  • Cocaine or crack
  • Phencyclidine is PCP or angel dust.
  • Opiates such as 6-MAM, 6-AM, morphine, opium, codeine

Most private employers place no threshold on the number of drugs they can test for. Some employers may also test for more drugs, such as

  • Barbiturates
  • Methadone
  • Inhalants
  • Ethanol
  • Hallucinogens

Procedural Rights for Employees

California statute doesn’t set up any specific drug testing protocols and procedures.

Because of the 'balancing test' a judicial test that the courts use to weigh in on the importance of a legal case, employers are more likely to prevail. 

Once a person is employed, drug testing is only permitted in obvious conditions, generally determined on a case-by-case basis. If an employee is asked to submit to regular or random drug tests, the court would consider how the employer’s intention for testing balances against the employee’s right to privacy.

Since an employer can evaluate an employee based on job performance, efficiency, and work history, in this case, the courts would generally rule in favor of the employee, meaning that routine or random drug testing is not required in this scenario.

What If You Fail A Drug Test in California?

If you are an employee and if you fail your drug test in California, the employer can lawfully refute your employment. If you are an existing employee, the employer has the right to terminate your employment depending on the terms and conditions of your hiring.

However, not every employer in California may have a zero-tolerance policy, and the outcome of failing a drug test often depends on the employer.

Once you get hired, the employer may want to continue your employment but decline to boost your performance with the promotion until you pass the subsequent drug tests.

What if you fail a drug test on probation in California?

As per the standard conditions in California, the probationer has to obey and abide by the law and remain drug-free during the probation period. When you fail a drug test, it is a violation that might affect your probation to a more considerable extent.

While on probation, you might find yourself in a situation where they ask you to do a drug test for alcohol and/or drugs. A peace officer can be the one administering these tests, and the kind of test they choose can vary.

Picture this – an EtG hair or urine or saliva test if they're checking for alcohol, and more commonly, a urine sample for drug testing. And here's the thing, it's not confined to a specific place in California or anywhere in the country; a peace officer can ask for these tests wherever you are.

California marijuana drug test law - Does California drug test for weed?

In California, employers are not allowed to inquire about their employees' cannabis use outside of work. And when it comes to drug testing, forget about hair or urine tests; they're off the table.

But hold on, there's a twist in the tale. If you're donning a hard hat in construction, these rules might not apply to you. Construction workers have their own set of guidelines.

And hey, if you're eyeing a federal job with some serious background checks in the pipeline, you might want to reconsider lighting up that joint. It seems those positions have a different set of rules in this employment game.

So, in the vast employment landscape of California, there's a bit of a dance between privacy, industry specifics, and federal regulations.

How Can I Pass A Drug Test in CA?

First off, playing by the rules is crucial – attempting to cheat not only raises ethical concerns but can land you in hot water. So, how do you approach it?

  • Consider going clean for a while before the test. The timeframe varies based on what you've been up to and the type of test in play. 
  • Hydration is your ally, but don't go overboard right before the test; it might raise eyebrows.
  • A healthy lifestyle is your secret weapon. Regular exercise and a balanced diet contribute to your body's natural detox process. 
  • Now, here's the fine print – know your rights and the specific policies in your workplace. Relying on products claiming to detox or mask substances? Don’t even consider it.

Got burning questions? Book a drug test and know your drug test cut-off levels. 

Do Teachers in California Get Drug Tested?

California public schools generally do not require their teachers to undergo a pre-hire drug test before employment. But it requires the teachers and institutional staff to stay away from drugs as they are working around children.

In California, there may be random drug testing for teachers based on reasonable suspicion. Under the Federal Drug-Free Workplace Act, any employer that receives federal funding must operate a drug-free workplace or risk losing federal funding.

As California had made the medical prescription of MMJ and weed legal, there might not be a more significant impact if the drug test identifies the presence of such substances due to medication.

Drugs above a certain threshold are considered illegal, and there might be chances that the school may not hire you. Learn about drug cut off levels and about drugs in detail. Be informed or you may risk your career as a teacher.

Final words

California drug testing laws helps us understand one thing - The key to success lies in a collaborative effort, where both parties work towards a common goal – a secure, productive, and respectful work environment.

Employers are encouraged to design drug testing protocols that prioritize safety without infringing on individual privacy rights. Crafting clear, comprehensive policies and ensuring employees are informed can foster a workplace culture of trust.

On the flip side, employees benefit from understanding and adhering to these policies. Embracing a healthy lifestyle can align with personal well-being and contribute to a smoother testing experience if the need arises.

By embracing these principles, employers and employees can collectively contribute to a workplace that values the welfare of all its members.

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